James Sliwinski, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Psychology

Program: Psychology

Phone: 419-783-2403

Email: jsliwinski@defiance.edu

James Sliwinski


Placebo effects, response expectancies, hypnosis, personality traits


Ongoing research on art therapy interventions with DC students


Sliwinski, J. R., & Elkins, G. R. (2017). Hypnotherapy to reduce hot flashes: Examination of response expectancies as a mediator of outcomes. Journal of Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 22, 1-8.

Sliwinski, J., & Elkins, G. (2017). Parkinson’s disease. In G. Elkins (Ed.), Clinician’s Guide to Medical and Psychological Hypnosis: Foundations, Systems, Applications and Professional Issues (1st edition, pp. 367-370). New York: Springer Publishing Inc.

Kendrick, C., Sliwinski, J., Yu, Y., Johnson, A., Fisher, W., Kekecs, Z., & Elkins, G. (2016). Hypnosis for acute procedural pain: A critical review, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 1, 75-115.

Elkins, G., Johnson, A. K., Johnson, A. J., & Sliwinski, J. (2015). Factor analysis of the Elkins Hypnotizability Scale. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 63, 1-11.

Kendrick, C., Johnson, A., Sliwinski, J., Patterson, V., Fisher, W., Elkins, G., & Carpenter, J. (2015). Hypnotic relaxation therapy for reduction of hot flashes in postmenopausal women: Examination of cortisol as a potential mediator. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 63, 76-91.

Sliwinski, J., Johnson, A., & Elkins, G. (2014). Memory decline in peri- and post-menopausal women. The potential of mind-body medicine to improve cognitive performance. Integrative Medicine Insights, 9, 1-7.

Sliwinski, J., Fisher, W., Johnson, A., & Elkins, G., (2013). Medical hypnosis for pain and psychological distress during burn wound debridement: A critical review. OA: Alternative Medicine, April 1, 1-10.

Sliwinski, J., & Elkins, G. R. (2013). Enhancing placebo effects: Insights from social psychology. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 55, 236-248.

Elkins, G., Sliwinski, J., Bowers, J., & Encarnacion, E. (2013). Feasibility of clinical hypnosis for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease: A case study. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 61, 172-182.

Elkins, G., Johnson, A., Fisher, W., Sliwinski, J., & Keith, T. (2013). A pilot investigation of guided self-hypnosis in the treatment of hot flashes among post-menopausal women. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 61, 342-350.

Elkins, G., Johnson, A., Fisher, W., & Sliwinski, J. (2013). Efficacy of mind-body therapy on stress reduction in cancer care. In P. Chung (Ed.), New Approaches to Treating Cancer (1st edition, pp. 111-139). Hong Kong.

Elkins, G., Fisher, W., Johnson, A., & Sliwinski, J. (2012). Clinical hypnosis for the palliative care of cancer patients. Oncology Nurse Edition, 26, 26-30.


Sliwinski, J., Roberts, L., & Elkins, G. (2017, August). It’s only a matter of time: Hypnotizability and therapeutic effects of hypnosis. Presented at the 21st World Congress of Medical and Clinical Hypnosis, Montreal, Quebec.

Johnson, A., Sliwinski, J., Roberts, L., & Elkins, G. (2016, October). Expectancy and hypnotic intervention for hot flashes: An examination and implications for future research. Presented at the 67th Annual Convention for the Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Boston, MA.

Kekecs, Z., Nagy, T., Varga, K., Kendrick, C., Sliwinski, J., Yu, Y., Johnson, A., Fisher, W., & Elkins, G. (2015, March). Empirikus eredmények a hipnózis, a terápiás szuggesztiók és a zene fájdalomcsillapító hatásairól [Empirical evidence of analgesic effects of hypnosis, therapeutic suggestions and music]. Presented at the XXVI. Magyar Hipnózis Találkozó [24th Annual Hungarian Hypnosis Meeting], Budapest, Hungary.

Elkins, G., & Sliwinski, J. (2013, August). Hypnotic susceptibility assessment - Use, research, and experience. Skill-building session presented at the 121st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.

Sliwinski, J., Johnson, A., Fisher, W., Kendrick, C., & Elkins, G. (2013, August). Do cognitive expectancies mediate outcome in clinical hypnosis for hot flashes? Results from a randomized controlled trial. Presented at the 121st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.

Fisher, W., Johnson, A., Sliwinski, J., Yu, A., Barton, D., Kendrick, C., & Elkins, G. (2013, August). Hypnotic relaxation therapy improves sexual health in postmenopausal women with moderate to severe hot flashes. Presented at the 121st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.

Elkins, G., Johnson, A., Fisher, W., & Sliwinski, J. (2012, October). Improving sleep in postmenopausal women: Outcome from a randomized trial of clinical hypnosis. Paper presented in the Top Scoring Scientific Abstracts session of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the North American Menopause Society, Orlando, FL.

Elkins, G., Sliwinski, J., Johnson, A., & Fisher, W. (2012, October). Guided self-hypnosis for the control of hot flashes: A pilot study. Presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the North American Menopause Society, Orlando, FL.

Elkins, G., Johnson, A., Fisher, W., & Sliwinski, J. (2012, November). Clinical hypnosis for smoking cessation an employee wellness program: Lessons learned and future directions. Presented at the Texas Psychological Association’s Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.

Johnson, A., Elkins, G., Fisher, W., Sliwinski, J., & Olendzki, N. (2012, November). Initial development of a brief measure of psychological distress: Validation of a psychiatric sample. Presented at the Texas Psychological Association’s Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.


Phi Chi inductee, 2006
Alpha Chi inductee, 2010


Baylor University, Ph.D., Psychology (Minor: Statistics), 2015
Texas State University: San Marcos, M.A., Health Psychology, 2011