The business major is a professional program designed for students who want a solid foundation in all functional aspects of business. Students who have an interest in exploring economics or marketing in greater depth may elect to earn a minor in these areas. Faculty go beyond the training of technicians to develop students who can work and communicate productively as members of organizations and communities in which they work and live. Each student individualizes their experience by picking one or more concentration(s) to further develop areas of interest.
Students interested in a traditional accounting degree should visit the accounting major page.
4+1 MBA
The 4+1 program makes it possible for all qualifying DC undergraduate students to complete the MBA program in one additional year at Defiance College. The plan of study for the 4+1 program requires the student to complete 12 credit hours of MBA coursework during the senior year and 24 hours of MBA coursework during the +1 year.
• complete application process for the MBA program
• submit a goal statement and two recommendation letters
• completion or in progress of at least 60 credit hours with a GPA of 3.0 or higher
All applicants must complete the foundational business knowledge prerequisites of the following courses below prior to senior status. Incoming transfer credits or other Defiance College program-specific coursework will be considered in meeting prerequisite requirements.
• ACCT 221 Financial Accounting (3)
• ECON 201 Microeconomics (3) or ECON 205 Macroeconomics (3)
• BUS 350 Business Finance (3)
• MKT 240 Principles of Marketing (3)
Students interested in the 4+1 program must contact their academic advisor and business program faculty to be approved.
Business Program Mission Statement
The Business Department offers a strong curriculum, outstanding professors, and experiential
learning that provide students with depth of knowledge and real-life perspective for
meeting the challenges of today's business and economic environment. The mission
of the Business Department is to enable students to develop the knowledge and skills
to succeed in ever-changing business settings.
Major Learning Outcomes (MLOs)
By the completion of this program, students will be able to:
1. Students will explain the major concepts in the functional areas of accounting, marketing,
finance, and management.
2. Students will evaluate the legal, social, and economic environments of business.
3. Students will describe the global environment of business.
4. Students will describe and explain the ethical obligations and responsibilities of
5. Students will apply decision-support tools to business decision-making.
6. Students will construct and present effective oral and written forms of professional
7. Students will apply knowledge of business concepts and functions in an integrated
The Academic Business Unit at Defiance College has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, Kansas, USA. For a list of program accreditation status(es), please view our IACBE member status page.
IACBE Public Disclosure of Student Achievement | Public Notification of IACBE Accredited Program | Strategic Plan Business Department
Central Mutual Insurance
Chase Brass and Copper Company
ConAgra Foods
Dana Holding Corporation
Ernst and Young
Farmers and Merchants Bank
German Mutual Insurance
Huntington Bank
Ohio Auditor of State
Ohio Gas Company
Quicken Loans
Sauder Woodworking, Co.
Shultz Huber and Associates, Inc.
State Bank and Trust
Steyer and Co.
U.S. Food and Administration
US Department of Defense
Wright Patterson Air Force Base